Friday, January 7, 2011

Inventory of Charles Groome, 1791

Finally found it!  The original Charles Groome property inventory:

Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Charles Groom late of Kent County Deceased. Appraised by us this twenty first day of July one thousand seven hundred ninety one, we being authorized and qualified.

To Wearing Apparel L
No 1. Feather Bed wt 52 lb @ 4 ft 12
2 D “                          45 lb “ 11
3 D “                          60 lb “ 16
4 D “                          57 lb “ 90
5 D “                          59 lb “ 80
6 D “                          53 lb “ 90
7 D “                          41 lb “ 40
8 D “                          50 lb “ 45
To one large looking glass
To large cherry tree table
To one walnut table
One round tea table
Pine table
12 leather bottom chairs
6 rush bottom chairs
Six red D/ four ot D
One black walnut chest
On hair trunk flat top
D round top
One flat top D/ D Gilt
D Leather
One Mahogany desk
D cherry top
Cupboard furniture
Tongs and Shovel Brass Top
To Hard Irons D
D Tonges, 3, 2 Hand Irons
One large copper kettle
Kitching and irons
One case of knives and forks
Seal skin
Half knives Common
Tea Urn
D breakfast knives
Three Japan servers
15 oz Chest of old silver
One set money wts scales
One old case & bottles
One small corner cupboard
Old D frame
One razor case & razors with strap & hone
One brass scale wood D and Dividers
45 lbs of old Pewter
21 bags of Lumber
Grinding stone
Six spinning wheels & old rush
295 lbs of pot mettle & 4 pot racks, 4 hooks
Iron teac kettle
One pair flat irons
Spit griddle chafing dish
Flesh forks
Two candlesticks
Two D & snuffers
Woodware &frying pan
Copper mule
Some books
2 guns one powderhorns
One old carriage
One sledge
12 lb candles
One saddle & bridle
60 lb of washed flax
2 pairs of old stillards
One pair of scales and weights
Negro man married Limus   45 yr old     25 L
D woman D Teg                  35 “           15
Man Charles                        35 “           50
Woman Mary                      30 ”           15
Man Jacob                          24 ”           55
Man Moses                         21 ”           60
Man Frank                          29 ”           60
Man Stefe                           17 ”           60
Woman Grace                     17 ”           22
Girl Peg                               15 ”           16
Girl Cale                              13 “           22
Boy John                             13 “           30
Boy Abe                             13 “           29
Boy Beck                            10 “           12
Boy George                         11 “           28
Girl Rachel                            8 “            12
Boy Pery                               9 “           23
Girl Silva                               6 “            10
Girl Sabina                            4 “             7
Boy Jo                                  1 “             3
Boy Harry                             4 “           10
Boy Darius                            2 “            1
Boy Isaac                              6 mo         1
Man Merfsaw free at Christmas              2
Man Tush                                               2
One ox cart horse w/sadle
Two corn harrows old wheat
Spade & shovel, dung fork 4 corn rakes
To roap/soap works
5 weeding hoes one grubbing
6 falling axes two iron wedges
14 harrow teeth
Two iron pestles 6 sukels to suckle & cradles
Two flannen table covers
5 warming pan
One silver watch
New bedstead
3 bushels of flax seed
One old saddles and bridle
25 bundles of corn
Two cross cut saws
One grass scythe
One yoke of steers
One bull 3 year old
8 milk cows
4 yearling
One horse called Mountain 18 y
One horse called Dragon 17 y
One mare called Prince & her colt
One horse figure 5 y
One mare Tinky
One colt yearling
6 printers tools old basks
Stone & blackware
One gallon measure
Old Iron Earthern & tin ware
6 tin canisters
One plow & 6 livs
24 hogs
One large barrow
3 sows 13 pigs
Mow tasking/corn blades
31 old sheep
25 lambs
36 pounds of bacon
20 pound of lard
To table linen & towels
Upper leather
One large tea canister
60 wt of washed wool
Horse called Yorrick 10 y
Mare called Splinter
Two pair of Iron traps
Swingle tree 6 leaves
Two old mares called Pleasure and Fly
To plough and tacking
Grinding stone/pot & rack
Frying pan tea kettle sifter
Pair of iron wedges
Two piggens
Two falling axes tree hoe
To one half of batte with oars
To one spicled cow and calf
Three steers
Two cows and calf
One bull on heifer
One large auger of Leather at Cranes
Quilting frames
Set of spools
One bed cover

L 1037.10.10

John Lamb

 Appraisers

Daniel Lamb,

Heir Jn Groome

Anne Groome

Auditors Thomas & Rob’t Anderson
State of Maryland, Kt County to wit April 3rd 1792. Then came Srah Groome, ext of Charles Groome late of Kent County and made oth on the Holy Avangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing is a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattles of the said dcsd. That hath come to her hand or possession at the time of making thereof, and that what hath since or shall here after come to her hands or possession she will return in an Additional Inventory and that she knows of no concealment of any part of parcel of the dcd, state by any person whatsoever.

Before Jn Nicholson Reg Wills for Knt County

Kent County Inventories, 21 Jul 1791
Book No 10, pages 63 & 64


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